WU WebUnion
WebUnion Chinese advertisement NetWork


WebUnion promotion partners:
AltaVista Asiawide YAHOO CHINA.COM
ZDNet China Richwin Chinese System HiChina
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The most effective way to advertise your site to the Chinese speaking Internet Community

Are you looking for ways to promote your web page to the Chinese speaking community?
Would you like more visitors to your website?

The community of Chinese speaking Internet users is growing fast, and more and more Chinese websites are appearing on the net every day. In an Internet environment where most announcement and banner advertising services are English based, the problem of promoting themselves and attracting Chinese speaking visitors confronts these new websites.

At WebUnion, we provide a range of valuable service to websites who wish to reach Chinese speaking Internet users.

About WebUnion

WebUnion is the first and largest Chinese advertisement network on the Internet. As of 1st April 1999, WebUnion had a membership of over 5,500 sites and displaying over 12 million banner impressions every month. With new member sites joining us daily we are attracting more and more interest.

Our members include Chinese language sites from all over the world and a few English sites that are focused on the Asian community. These member sites include on-line magazines, newspapers, software sites, entertainment sites, company homepages, search engines, etc. We also accept personal homepages but only those that are well designed and content rich.

Advertisers come to us not only because of our wide reach in the Chinese online community, but also because of our high quality and carefully selected websites. To help advertisers target Chinese speaking net users, we review every potential site to ensure that it is either written in Chinese or is designed for Chinese-speakers. Many Asian countries are very sensitive to online content. By scrutinizing every site before we accept it, we also make sure its content is suitable for general audiences in Asia.

If you are interested, we have selected some member sites which you may visit to explore our network. Please click here.

Our Services

Partnership Opportunity

Because of its fast growth and wide network, many large and prestigious web sites consider WebUnion an important strategic partner. WebUnion has established cross-promotion agreements with Yahoo!, AltaVista Asiawide (details), RichWin, ZD-NET China, and many of the most prominent Internet companies and ISPs in China and Hong Kong.

We are open to suggestions for joint ventures and partnerships. If you find WebUnon's service valuable and have ideas to make it better, please contact us at webmaster@webunion.com

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